Professional Germination Chamber made with all stainless steel construction but sized for the avid hobby gardener. A Germination Chamber is Standard Equipment for anyone that is serious about growing plants. A chamber takes all the risk out of germinating seeds and will achieve 100% germination rate of all viable seed.
Holds 8 Winstrip or 1020 Trays (If 288 cell, that is 2,304 starts) or holds four Stack and Nest Paperpot Trays
110 volts and 4 max amps. Outside overall dimensions: 28.9” wide x 22” deep x 24.5” high. Inside of chamber: 25.5” wide x 21.9” deep x 19.7” high
8 Gallon reservoir
Hand Made in TN at our HQ. This product ships end of January 2025
One year standard warranty*
100% Success
Standard Features

Adjustable Top Vent
Magnetic Closure
Stainless Expanded Shelves
Polycarbonate Doors
Digital Thermostat
All Stainless Construction
Full Length Stainless Hinge
Stainless Reservoir
Large Commercial Rubber Feet
Working Lights
Standard Features

All Stainless Construction
This is Professional grade equipment that will last a lifetime. Sized for the avid gardener.
Adjustable Top Vent
The screened top vent can be adjusted to increase or reduce the amount of moisture in the chamber. Screen is stainless steel.
Magnetic Closure
No pesky clasps or latches to deal with. Doors open and close easily and are held in place by rare earth magnets.
Expanded Shelves
The stainless steel expanded shelves will not droop or rust. The open design allows for even steam throughout the chamber. Shelves are easily removed for taller plants like Tomato Graft healing.
Polycarbonate Doors
Shatter proof doors to last a lifetime. Ultra clear so you can keep an eye on your most important starts.
Digital Thermostat
Professional Precise Digital Thermostat to control heat and cooling, all contained in waterproof housing.
Full Length Stainless Hinge
Extends from top of the chamber to the bottom. The door get opened and closed many times day all season long. They are built with that in mind.
Stainless Reservoir
Large water tank will allow multiple days of steam. Fitted with low water level shutoff to protect heating element.
Working Lights
Large LED lights to let you know when your chamber is calling for and providing steam.

Winstrip Trays
The open cell design is perfect for germination chambers as it allows even distribution of steam around the chamber.
Chamber Tips
Advice on best practices
Dibble and Seed
Dibble all trays before seeding. Either use your finger or a dibble board. This will center your seeds in the cell and provide a good environment to germinate.

Dibble all trays before seeding. Either use your finger or a dibble board. This will center your seeds in the cell and provide a good environment to germinate.

No Covering Soil
Leave seeds uncovered so you can easily monitor germination. Covering seeds is unnecessary in the chamber.

Soak Tray
Thoroughly water tray before putting into the chamber. Tray will not need watering again until it is removed.

Set Temperature
A good average ideal temperature for Vegetable and Flower seeds is 75 to 78 degrees.

Take out
Remove tray when 50% or more seeds are visibly germinated. This is to prevent legginess if left in chamber too long.

Problems with Heat Mats
Heating mats or heated tables dry out the soil which will kill the seed unless you constantly water. This is not only extra work, but watering will cool down the seed resulting in delayed and reduced germination rate.

Cooler Crops
Spinach and Lettuce
These cool temperature crops germinate well at 75 degrees F which is the recommended set temperature in the chamber for all vegetables and flowers.
Problems with germination rates occur with these crops when the temperature is allowed to exceed 75.
We recommend shading the chamber or moving it out of direct sunlight to prevent that from happening.
Best in Class
Standard feature is the RANCO Single Stage Digital Thermostat in a Nema 4 enclosure. This will give you a lifetime of precise temperature control with an adjustable differential of as little as 1 degree F.
Thermostat Operating Range: -20°F to 140°F
Normal Operating Temperatures for the chamber can range from your shaded room temperature up to over 95 degrees.
An ideal setting for germinating most Vegetable and Flower seeds is 75 to 78 F.

Grafted Tomatoes
Germination Chambers make the best healing chamber for grafted crops.