Tax Exempt Forms for Agricuture by State

We have linked these forms as a guide, but it is your responsibility to make sure you use the correct form and to find out whether your business is tax exempt.

We only collect sales tax in the states listed below.

Email your information to

Colorado - Form DR0511

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form DR0511

Florida - Team Card Application Online

A qualified farmer desiring to obtain a TEAM Card must complete an Application for a Florida Farm Tax Exempt Agricultural Materials (TEAM) Card (Form DR-1 TEAM). Qualified farmers may apply online or obtain a copy of Form DR-1 TEAM to apply by mail at, under the Sales and Use Tax category.

Georgia - GATE Card Application Directions

Georgia requires the purchaser to apply and present a GATE card.

Illinois - Form ST-587

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form ST-587

Indiana - Form ST105

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form ST105

Massachusetts - Form ST-12

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form ST-12

Michigan - Form 3372

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form 3372

Minnesota - Form ST3

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form ST3

New York - Form ST-125

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form ST-125

North Carolina Application for Tax Exemption Number

Purchaser must provide seller with tax exemption number issued by the state of Illinois.

Ohio - Form STEC B

Farmers need to obtain either form STEC U (Sales and Use Tax Unit Exemption Certificate) or STEC B (Sales and Use Tax Blanket Exemption Certificate) at

Pennsylvania - Form REV1220

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form REV1220

Tennessee Application for Sales and Use Tax Exemption

Tennessee requires the pruchaser to apply for and then present an Agricultural Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption to the seller. Use the form above to apply to for this.

Virginia - Form ST-18

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form ST-18

Washington - Form 27 0036

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form 27 0036

Wisconsin - Form S-211

The customer must provide to the seller a completed Form S-211